Monday, June 21, 2010

Happy Father’s Day!

This guy is the best father I know.


Here are a few reasons why:

1.  He’s the calm in the storm.  Jake has a  patience that brings a relaxed atmosphere to our home.  Those tasks that make me crazy, like dressing an unwilling 3 year old for church, appear easy when he does them. 


2. He’s a natural adventurer.  Drop by anytime and you may find a reptile in a box, a water park in the front yard or a hotdog roast by the creek.   He’s instilled this spirit in our children and he helps me to let go and live.


3.He can grow a crazy good beard and he knows when the beard has outgrown its welcome!

4.  He loves us all in spite of ourselves and he is never surprised when he comes home and finds this


or this


or this


5. He’s good with tools!  Seriously, he can build and/or fix anything.  It’s almost ridiculous!


Best of all he’s ours! Happy Father’s Day, Love!



Saturday, June 12, 2010

Batten down the hatches…

We’ve had a bit of an accident around here.  I’ve felt the necessity to write about it but just have not been able to bring myself to relive the events. 

The result of the accident is this…


But relax, he’s still Bryce.


A couple of weeks ago my little monkey attempted to climb his chest of drawers to find his favorite pair of pajamas.  While climbing, his chest fell upon him and when I found him he was completely pinned underneath it.  I was there within seconds and adrenaline allowed me to lift it off him before Jake arrived and turned it back upright.  An immediate assessment told us that we were ER bound.  Bryce had a gaping wound on his forehead and cuts around his right eye.

By the time we arrived at the emergency room, Bryce’s face had swollen considerably and he was completely calm. It was bedtime and all the excitement had made him sleepy but it sure didn’t help his mommy’s heart. 

Bryce ultimately received a CT scan because they suspected he may have broken some bones around his eye.  The scan came back clear.  Praise the Lord!  Bryce was the (unwilling) recipient of 8 stitches in his forehead.  It took 4 of us to hold him down and I don’t think I’ll ever forget the screaming.  My little guy has a big vocabulary and he used every word he knew.  Phrases included:

“Stop doctoring me, doctor”

“Don’t you do that again, doctor”

“You are scratching my eyes out.  Stop it!” (because his eyes were draped and he’s a little bit dramatic)

In hindsight, I’m proud of his spunk!  I have no doubt that this strength aided him in this ordeal.  In fact, I have thanked God everyday since that my sweet hard headed boy never lost consciousness, a fact that seemed to amaze the doctors and nurses.  I know that God took care of my baby that night.

Things could have been much worse.  The seriousness of Bryce’s accident has changed a few things in our home.  We’ve strapped large furniture to the walls and screwed it directly into the studs.  If you’ve got a little monkey in your home,  I encourage you to do the same.  I can tell you that there are worse things than a few holes in your sheet rock.

On a lighter note, my little man is recovering well


and things are pretty much back to normal.


