Monday, September 22, 2008

And this is why I love you today…


Baby boy, I love you for so many reason but these are a few for today.

  • You are such a big boy and have learned how to climb out of your crib all by yourself.  I was able to witness this feat today and while it gave me pause to see you dangling, unsupported from your bed; I applaud your courage. You are a superhero!

  • When you threw up this morning you were so considerate and managed to do it in the bathtub (with your big sister).  It was so thoughtful of you to save mommy the chore of cleaning the carpet. What a wonderful little man!

  • When I rescued you from the yucky tub, you clung to me and made me feel like the most important person in the world.  You smiled at me in a way that let me know that we were all going to be okay.  You are a comforter.

  • Despite your sickness, you still managed to muster up enough energy to climb upon the kitchen table, peer out the window and talk to the lawnmower.  You really are a champ!


Sweet girl, you know Mommy loves you so much! You gave me so many reasons today.

  • You are so creative and have renamed your baby brother, Baby Sephoe.  I don’t know where this name came from but it seems to fit and I am so proud of your creativity.  You are an artist.

  • When Baby Sephoe spilled (your term) in your bathtub this morning (and on you and your toys and your towel) you proclaimed that we had an emergency on our hands and immediately rushed into action. You have a heart for adventure and are always eager to help.  You are a rescuer!

  • Even whilst we all huddled together in the shower trying to wash away the remnants of the emergency, you pointed out the sillier points of mommy’s anatomy and giggled.  You bring humor to every situation. (even if I don’t always laugh!)  You are my own little comedian!

  • When it was time to rest, you asked if I would snuggle you on the couch and you said to me, “Mommy, you’re my best friend.”  Baby girl, you are my best friend, too.


Somer said...
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Somer said...

Ok, this is the sweetest thing I have ever heard! What a blessing our children are!

Valarie Lea said...

Awww! That was beautiful!!! I never thought "spilling" in the bathroom could be so beautiful, but you made it beautiful. Have I said beautiful enough in this comment??


April said...

Well, it was worth the wait. Such a precious tribute to your children.

Brandi said...

how precious! What little blessings they are

Life on the farm... said...

Okay, you brought tears to my eyes!

DD said...

This was a beautiful mix of hilarity and sweetness. Good writing here girl!

Woman said...

I really enjoyed the way you expressed your love for your beautiful children.

Suzie said...

That is so sweet