I savor the quiet moments in my house. I sit and drink a cup of coffee and reflect on how God has blessed me and my family. These sweet moments usually take place on a day when the kids have miraculously synched up and taken their naps at the same time. (Can you hear the Hallelujah music?)
However, there have been a few occasions that I realized that this serenity was just a fantasy. Merely a mommy caught in a daydream. No one is asleep. No music is playing. Even so, the house is eerily quiet. Trouble!
During one of these spells Ella applied her own make-up just like Mommy. Unfortunately, her tool of choice was a Sharpie marker. Her eyes did look quite dramatic after that but I don’t think she quite achieved the effect she was going for.
Bryce has recently joined into the sneaky mischief. His method of making mommy crazy usually involves climbing. A couple of weeks ago, I caught him on top of the dining room table, emptying his diaper bag and making a huge mess. I didn’t speak a word to him but instead grabbed my camera. I had a good laugh later as I looked at the progression of expressions he had when he realized he had been caught. He immediately pouted, turned the pout into a scream, and then stared in wonder at the crazy mommy who was taking pictures of the very sad baby.