With a tear in my eye I announce that my little girl is finally driving! I say finally because she's had her new "wheels" since Christmas but until this weekend she was a wild woman behind the wheel. Her driving has mostly consisted of a jerky stop and go motion accompanied by a total lack of focus and inability to concentrate on the task at hand. (pretty much the same way her mommy drives a straight shift!) Unlike her mommy, Ella has finally developed a method that gets her where she wants to go. She picks a direction, points with her little finger, and then drives like mad in that direction. She even throws the jeep in reverse when she runs over something or gets stuck. It's so funny! Bryce was so funny riding with her! He picked up a flag and rode through the yard waving it like they were the cavalry coming to the rescue!!
Picking her direction
Let's cruise!
Just like a man... she does a little multi-tasking while driving and he tries to take her keys away! ugh!
Oh that is so cute! Your right just like a man. They try to take over the driving even when they asked you to drive. Men! :o)
I'm glad I found your blog and I'll be back to see your little Mcmonkeys often-check out my blog sweet girl!
Love you!
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