Monday, October 13, 2008

Our journey in pictures

There is nothing I love better than looking at pictures of my family.  Even the blurry ones make me smile. 


Recently, as I perused our history in pictures I noticed that something (or better yet someone) was missing.  I realized that some day my children will grow up and say, “Where was mom?”  I became determined to find pictures of me with my family and I did.


Here’s a picture of my sweet baby and me at the park.  It appears that one of us was just not into it, so I continued my search.


Here’s a recent photo of me with my beautiful children at my husband’s office.  Once again, there appears to be a bit of distraction. I think we have a theme. 

I then remembered our beach trip and felt confident I would find a nice picture there.


This pretty much sums it upI think I will put my journey for the perfect picture to rest.  I suppose that If I were honest with myself, I would admit that these photographs better reflect my journey than a posed portrait of a perfectly groomed and smiling family (but a girl can dream!).


Life on the farm... said...

I remember that feeling, well groomed. Can you picture Josh sitting in my lap while we were at Pizza Hutt, he was 3 or 4 I made him sit in my lap because we were going shopping afterward and he always got stuff on his shirt... and well I was tired of him looking messy, I had forgotten to bring extra clothes. So things are going great, I'm so brilliant! I stand up amazed at how clean he is, look down at my white shorts, and "HE" has used my shorts as a napkin..... duh, I look terrible, pizza all down the sides of my shorts.... don't worry, I had hubby run in and buy me a new pair of shorts for me, I wasn't missing out on shopping!

Valarie Lea said...

Oh I love Ella in those pictures, she is way too cute. :)

Woman said...

there are not many pictures of me either. Because I am always the photographer.

Suzie said...

Thats so funny. Im the same way never in photos. I relaized that whether or not I felt I looked good did not matter I needed to be in those memories too.

MommyGirl said...

I think that all Moms feel this way. Sometimes I wish that someone would just say, "let me take a picture of you and the kids." I am just not that photogenic though. The pics are great.

Brandi said...

I am not much on being in them myself. But when I get home to download them I think man, it is like I wasn't even there...