Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Where’s my muffin?

One day last week my husband made yummy chocolate chip muffins for breakfast. (I know.  He’s a keeper!)  I left mine on the kitchen counter while the coffee brewed.   Upon returning to the kitchen, I discovered that my muffin was missing.  There were however, a little pair of eyes watching me. 

I asked those little eyes, “Have you seen my muffin?” 

This was the response…


Definitely not guilty, huh? (note the grubby hands, cheeks, and countertop)  I then asked, “Did Daddy sneak in here and eat my muffin?”


Immediate relief.  Because I’m mommy and I can read minds, I knew he was thinking, “Yeah, that’s the ticket.  Daddy ate the muffin.  Let’s go with that.  Good thinking, mommy!”


Suzie said...

And that chocoalte mustash didnt help his story at all.

Life on the farm... said...

Ahhh ha...moment!

Somer said...

I love it!

Brandi said...

LITTLE RAT~When can't just ever have something of our own, we must share! LOL